Traduzione Inglese-Tedesco per "£"

"£" traduzione Tedesco

abbreviation | Abkürzung abk (= librae) (= pound sterling)

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(Fai clic sulla/Tocca traduzione per maggiori dettagli)

to givesomebody | jemand sb credit for £ 10
jemandem in Höhe von 10 Pfund Kredit geben
to givesomebody | jemand sb credit for £ 10
to letsomebody | jemand sb down by £ 50
jemanden um 50 Pfund bringen
to letsomebody | jemand sb down by £ 50
the house lets for £ 2000 a year
das Haus wird für 2000 Pfund im Jahr vermietet
the house lets for £ 2000 a year
he returned his income at £ 5000
er gab sein Einkommen mit 5000 £ an
he returned his income at £ 5000
… it will cost £ 500
es kostet maximal 500 Pfund
… it will cost £ 500
it stood me in £ 10
es kam mich auf £ 10 zu stehen
it stood me in £ 10
£ 5
5 £
£ 5
an offer of £ 2000
ein Angebot von 2000 Pfund
an offer of £ 2000
it’s a matter of £ 5
es kostet 5 Pfund
it’s a matter of £ 5
£ 300 was subscribed for shares
für £ 300 wurden Aktien gezeichnet
£ 300 was subscribed for shares

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