„zuleid“ zuleid, zu Leid, zuleide, zu Leide [tsuˈlait; tsuˈlaidə]Adverb | adverb adv Panoramica di tutte le traduzion (Fai clic sulla/Tocca traduzione per maggiori dettagli) he wouldn’t hurt a fly... what harm has he done to you? what has he done to you?... esempi jemandem etwas zuleid tun to harm (oder | orod hurt)jemand | somebody sb, to dojemand | somebody sb harm jemandem etwas zuleid tun er kann keiner Fliege etwas zuleid tun umgangssprachlich | familiar, informalumg he wouldn’t hurt a fly er kann keiner Fliege etwas zuleid tun umgangssprachlich | familiar, informalumg was hat er dir zuleid getan? what harm has he done (to) you? what has he done to you? was hat er dir zuleid getan?