Traduzione Tedesco-Inglese per "Talk"

"Talk" traduzione Inglese

[talk]Maskulinum | masculine m <Talk(e)s; keinPlural | plural pl>

Panoramica di tutte le traduzion

(Fai clic sulla/Tocca traduzione per maggiori dettagli)

  • talc(um), soapstone, steatite
    Talk Mineralogie | mineralogyMINER
    Talk Mineralogie | mineralogyMINER
CA: Dan, thank you. Members of the audience, that was a fantastic session. Thank you.
CA: Dan, vielen Dank. Verehrtes Publikum, das war ein fantastischer Talk. Vielen Dank.
Fonte: TED
We're getting great talks back from them.
Wir bekommen sagenhafte Talks von ihnen zurück.
Fonte: TED
But back to the Phoenix Islands, which is the subject of this Talk.
Aber zurück zu den Phoenixinseln, die das Thema dieses Talks sind.
Fonte: TED
[tɔːk]Maskulinum | masculine m <Talks; Talks> Engl.

Panoramica di tutte le traduzion

(Fai clic sulla/Tocca traduzione per maggiori dettagli)

  • (small) talk, chitchat
    Talk Plauderei umgangssprachlich | familiar, informalumg
    Talk Plauderei umgangssprachlich | familiar, informalumg
  • chat
    Talk Fernsehen | televisionTV
    Talk Fernsehen | televisionTV
  • chat
    Talk Internet | InternetINTERNET
    Talk Internet | InternetINTERNET
Small Talk machen
to make small talk
Small Talk machen
CA: Dan, thank you. Members of the audience, that was a fantastic session. Thank you.
CA: Dan, vielen Dank. Verehrtes Publikum, das war ein fantastischer Talk. Vielen Dank.
Fonte: TED
We're getting great talks back from them.
Wir bekommen sagenhafte Talks von ihnen zurück.
Fonte: TED
But back to the Phoenix Islands, which is the subject of this Talk.
Aber zurück zu den Phoenixinseln, die das Thema dieses Talks sind.
Fonte: TED

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