Traduzione Tedesco-Inglese per "Ferrotyp"

"Ferrotyp" traduzione Inglese

noun | Substantiv s

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  • Ferrotypiefeminine | Femininum f
    ferrotype photography | FotografieFOTO
    ferrotype photography | FotografieFOTO
  • Blechfotografiefeminine | Femininum f
    ferrotype photograph taken on lead photography | FotografieFOTO
    ferrotype photograph taken on lead photography | FotografieFOTO
  • Fotografierenneuter | Neutrum n auf Blech, amer. Fotografierenneuter | Neutrum n
    ferrotype process of taking photographs onto lead photography | FotografieFOTO
    ferrotype process of taking photographs onto lead photography | FotografieFOTO
transitive verb | transitives Verb v/t

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  • schnellfotografieren
    ferrotype on lead
    ferrotype on lead