Traduzione Tedesco-Inglese per "Sandwich"

"Sandwich" traduzione Inglese

[ˈzɛntvɪtʃ]Maskulinum und Neutrum | masculine and neuter m/n <Sandwichsoder | or od Sandwich(es); Sandwichsoder | or od Sandwiches; auch | alsoa. Sandwiche> Engl.

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  • sandwich
They're drinking tea, they're having sandwiches.
Es gibt Tee und Sandwiches.
Fonte: TED
Fish and chips in newspaper, the Cornish Pasty, the pie, the sandwich.
Fisch mit Pommes in Zeitungspapier, Hefetaschen aus Cornwall, Pies, das Sandwich.
Fonte: TED
So that's why he's taking the other sandwich.
Deswegen also nimmt er das andere Sandwich.
Fonte: TED
Tom asked Mary if she could make him a sandwich.
Tom fragte Mary, ob sie ihm ein Sandwich machen könne.
Fonte: Tatoeba
Do you want the rest of my sandwich?
Willst du den Rest von meinem Sandwich?
Fonte: Tatoeba

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