Traduzione Tedesco-Inglese per "Outsourcing"

"Outsourcing" traduzione Inglese

[-ˌsɔːrsɪŋ]Neutrum | neuter n <Outsourcing(s); keinPlural | plural pl> Engl.

Panoramica di tutte le traduzion

(Fai clic sulla/Tocca traduzione per maggiori dettagli)

  • outsourcing
    Outsourcing Wirtschaft/Volkswirtschaft | commercial term, commerceWIRTSCH
    Outsourcing Wirtschaft/Volkswirtschaft | commercial term, commerceWIRTSCH
Myth 3: Outsourcing costs jobs.
Mythos 3: Outsourcing kostet Arbeitsplätze.
This is the most important lesson of the ongoing debate over outsourcing.
Das ist die wichtigste Lektion aus der aktuellen Debatte über Outsourcing.
Were unemployment lower, the worries about outsourcing would be less.
Wäre die Arbeitslosigkeit geringer, hätte man auch weniger Sorgen mit dem Outsourcing.
Myth 2: Outsourcing will be only from rich to poor.
Mythos 2: Outsourcing findet nur von den Reichen zu den Armen statt.
Outsourcing has become a fact of life.
Outsourcing ist zu einem Bestandteil unseres Lebens geworden.
Fonte: Europarl

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