Traduzione Tedesco-Inglese per "nähme"
"nähme" traduzione Inglese
So I decided, what if you really did take the Bible literally?
Also fragte ich mich, was wäre, wenn man die Bibel wirklich wörtlich nähme?
Fonte: TED
And the second night, he would take the same cap and give it another fold.
In der zweiten Nacht nähme er denselben Hut um ihn nochmals zu falten.
Fonte: TED
I feared he'd go and take his silences with him, and take his secrets with him.
Ich hatte Angst, er ginge von uns und nähme seine Stille mit, er nähme all seine Geheimnisse mit.
Fonte: TED
I feared he'd go and take his silences with him, and take his secrets with him.
Ich hatte Angst, er ginge von uns und nähme seine Stille mit, er nähme all seine Geheimnisse mit.
Fonte: TED
If I had time, I'd accept his invitation.
Wenn ich Zeit hätte, nähme ich seine Einladung an.
Fonte: Tatoeba