Traduzione Tedesco-Inglese per "fernsteuern"

"fernsteuern" traduzione Inglese

transitives Verb | transitive verb v/t <trennbar | separabletrennb; -ge-; h>

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  • remote-control
    fernsteuern Technik | engineeringTECH Mechanismus, Rakete etc
    operate by remote control
    fernsteuern Technik | engineeringTECH Mechanismus, Rakete etc
    fernsteuern Technik | engineeringTECH Mechanismus, Rakete etc
So this robot is actually being commanded remotely by Frank.
Dieser Roboter hier wird tatsächlich von Frank ferngesteuert.
Fonte: TED
In this case here, we're flying it remotely, as we always did at the beginning.
In diesem Fall hier fliegen wir es, wie immer zu Beginn, noch ferngesteuert.
Fonte: TED
And of course, as a model in those years, you couldn't control it.
Und ein Modell ließ sich damals natürlich noch nicht fernsteuern.
Fonte: TED

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