Traduzione Tedesco-Inglese per "Auster"

"Auster" traduzione Inglese

[ˈaustər]Femininum | feminine f <Auster; Austern>

Panoramica di tutte le traduzion

(Fai clic sulla/Tocca traduzione per maggiori dettagli)

  • oyster
    Auster Zoologie | zoologyZOOL Fam. Ostreidae
    Auster Zoologie | zoologyZOOL Fam. Ostreidae
  • Essbare Auster Ostrea edulis
    edible (oder | orod European) oyster
    Essbare Auster Ostrea edulis
  • Virginische Auster Ostrea virginica
    Virginia (oder | orod American) oyster
    Virginische Auster Ostrea virginica
  • Grüne Auster
    green oyster, greengill
    Grüne Auster
  • nascondi gli esempimostra più esempi
There are a few oysters in Chesapeake Bay.
Einige Austern finden sich noch in der Chesapeake Bay.
Fonte: TED
So we were inspired by the oyster, but I was also inspired by the life cycle of the oyster.
Wir haben uns also von der Auster inspirieren lassen, auch von ihrem Lebenszyklus.
Fonte: TED
And one oyster can filter up to 50 gallons of water a day.
Eine Auster kann fast 200 Liter Wasser täglich filtern.
Fonte: TED
Here we are, back to our hero, the oyster.
Zurück zu unserem Held, der Auster.
Fonte: TED
Maskulinum | masculine m <Austers; keinPlural | plural pl> poetisch, dichterisch | poetic, poeticallypoet

Panoramica di tutte le traduzion

(Fai clic sulla/Tocca traduzione per maggiori dettagli)

  • Auster
    Auster Mythologie | mythologyMYTH Südwind
    the south wind
    Auster Mythologie | mythologyMYTH Südwind
    Auster Mythologie | mythologyMYTH Südwind
mit Todesverachtung schluckte sie die Auster runter
she valiantly gulped down the oyster
mit Todesverachtung schluckte sie die Auster runter
Auster mit bewachsener Schale
Auster mit bewachsener Schale
There are a few oysters in Chesapeake Bay.
Einige Austern finden sich noch in der Chesapeake Bay.
Fonte: TED
So we were inspired by the oyster, but I was also inspired by the life cycle of the oyster.
Wir haben uns also von der Auster inspirieren lassen, auch von ihrem Lebenszyklus.
Fonte: TED
And one oyster can filter up to 50 gallons of water a day.
Eine Auster kann fast 200 Liter Wasser täglich filtern.
Fonte: TED
Here we are, back to our hero, the oyster.
Zurück zu unserem Held, der Auster.
Fonte: TED

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