„Abtrift“: Femininum AbtriftFemininum | feminine f Panoramica di tutte le traduzion (Fai clic sulla/Tocca traduzione per maggiori dettagli) drift, leeway drift grazing land driving down of cattle from mountain pasture drift Abtrift Nautik/Schifffahrt | nauticalSCHIFF leeway Abtrift Nautik/Schifffahrt | nauticalSCHIFF Abtrift Nautik/Schifffahrt | nauticalSCHIFF esempi Abtrift haben to make up leeway Abtrift haben drift Abtrift Luftfahrt | aviationFLUG Abtrift Luftfahrt | aviationFLUG grazing land (oder | orod ground) Abtrift Agrar-/Landwirtschaft | agricultureAGR Abtrift Agrar-/Landwirtschaft | agricultureAGR driving (oder | orod bringing) down of cattle from mountain pasture Abtrift Agrar-/Landwirtschaft | agricultureAGR Abtrieb Abtrift Agrar-/Landwirtschaft | agricultureAGR Abtrieb