Traduzione Inglese-Tedesco per "wife"

"wife" traduzione Tedesco

[waif]noun | Substantiv s <wives [waivz]>

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  • (Ehe)Fraufeminine | Femininum f
    Gattinfeminine | Femininum f
  • (woman) Fraufeminine | Femininum f
    wife except in compounds obsolete | obsolet, begrifflich veraltetobsor | oder od dialect(al) | Dialekt, dialektaldial
    wife except in compounds obsolete | obsolet, begrifflich veraltetobsor | oder od dialect(al) | Dialekt, dialektaldial
  • Weib
    wife old, uneducated, gossipy woman
    wife old, uneducated, gossipy woman
  • Altweibergeschichtefeminine | Femininum f
    wife old wives’ tale
    Ammenmärchenneuter | Neutrum n
    wife old wives’ tale
    wife old wives’ tale
  • Weibchenneuter | Neutrum n
    wife zoology | ZoologieZOOL
    wife zoology | ZoologieZOOL
please remember me kindly to your wife
empfehlen Sie mich bitte Ihrer Frau Gemahlin, mit einer Empfehlung an Ihre Frau Gemahlin, grüßen Sie bitte Ihre Frau Gemahlin von mir
please remember me kindly to your wife
sich von seiner Frau scheiden lassen
to divorce one’s wife
the surviving wife
die überlebende Ehefrau
the surviving wife
his estranged wife
seine von ihm getrennt lebende Frau
his estranged wife
man and wife
Mannand | und u. Frau
man and wife
my wife that is to be
meine zukünftige Frau
my wife that is to be
a wife of the left hand
eine morganatische Gattin
a wife of the left hand
all the world and his wife were there
alles, was Beine hatte, war dort
all the world and his wife were there
in right of his wife
vonseiten seiner Frau
in right of his wife
to settle a jointure on (or | oderod to provide a jointure for) one’s wife
seiner Frau ein Wittum aussetzen
to settle a jointure on (or | oderod to provide a jointure for) one’s wife
his wife of 20 years
die Frau, mit der er seit 20 Jahren verheiratet ist
his wife of 20 years
he lives on his wife
er lebt auf Kostenor | oder od von den Einkünften seiner Frau
he lives on his wife
jemand, der seine Frau (wiederholt) misshandelt
wife batterer
the wife of my bosom
die Frau meines Herzens
the wife of my bosom
all the world and his wife were there
Gott und die Welt war dort
all the world and his wife were there
she will make a wonderful wife
sie wird eine wunderbare Ehefrau sein
she will make a wonderful wife
I caught him flirting with my wife
ich habe ihn (dabei) erwischt, wie er mit meiner Frau flirtete
I caught him flirting with my wife
plural wife
eine von mehreren (Ehe)Frauen
plural wife
in right of his wife
im Namen seiner Frau
in right of his wife
separated from his wife
von seiner Frau getrennt
separated from his wife
Sogar König Abdullah II's Ehefrau, Königin Rania, beteiligte sich an der Diskussion.
Even King Abdullah II's wife, Queen Rania, joined in the conversation.
Fonte: GlobalVoices
Professor Biagi hinterlässt seine Ehefrau und zwei Kinder.
Professor Biagi is survived by his wife and two children.
Fonte: Europarl
Er ging ins andere Zimmer zu seiner Frau.
He went out to his wife.
Fonte: Books
Wir verbringen möglicherweise mehr Nächte miteinander als mit unseren Ehefrauen.
We probably spend more nights together than we do with our respective wives.
Fonte: Europarl
Seine Frau, Zahra Rahnaward, war mit ihm dort und ist auf diesem Foto zu sehen.
His wife, Zahra Rahnavard, was with him and appears in following photo.
Fonte: GlobalVoices
Das Problem dabei war nicht Gul; das Problem war seine Frau.
Gul was not the issue; the issue was his wife.
Keine der reißerischen Geschichten über Bos Frau konnten bewiesen werden.
None of the lurid tales about Bo s wife ’ have been proven.
Eine Ehefrau, die sich auf die Seite Ihres Mannes stellt, gibt wohl kaum Anlass zum Umdenken.
A wife sticking up for her wonderful husband isn ’ t much of a mind changer.
Fonte: GlobalVoices
Es ist nicht möglich, den Nachzug einer zweiten Ehefrau zu fördern.
It is not possible to apply for a second wife to come!
Fonte: Europarl
Deine Frau altert, und du selbst bist noch voll Lebenslust.
My wife is getting old, and I am full of vitality.
Fonte: Books
Seine Frau war schon zwei Jahre tot.
His wife had been dead for two years.
Fonte: Books

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