Traduzione Inglese-Tedesco per "whoa"

"whoa" traduzione Tedesco

[wou] American English | amerikanisches EnglischUSalso | auch a. [hwou]interjection | Interjektion, Ausruf int

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  • also | aucha. whoa back command to horse to stop
    also | aucha. whoa back command to horse to stop
Wow, Kumpel. Schau Dir diese Mords-Gleichungen an. Hübsch.
Whoa, dude. Check out those killer equations. Sweet.
Fonte: TED
Das erste Mal, als ich das machte, ging es whoa! So.
So, the first time I did that, I went, like, whoa! Like this.
Fonte: TED
Joker: Hey, hey, hey, oh!
Joker: Whoa, whoa, whoa, oh!
Fonte: TED
Joker: Hey, hey, hey, oh!
Joker: Whoa, whoa, whoa, oh!
Fonte: TED
Joker: Hey, hey, hey, oh!
Joker: Whoa, whoa, whoa, oh!
Fonte: TED

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