Traduzione Inglese-Tedesco per "subsequently"

"subsequently" traduzione Tedesco

adverb | Adverb adv

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(Fai clic sulla/Tocca traduzione per maggiori dettagli)

to deliver subsequently
to deliver subsequently
Die Änderung wurde im Parlament angenommen, daraufhin jedoch vom Verfassungsgericht abgelehnt.
The amendment won parliamentary approval, but was subsequently rejected by the Constitutional Court.
Danach fragte ich die Kommission, ob sie dies wusste.
Subsequently I asked the Commission if it was aware of this.
Fonte: Europarl
Opfer dürfen nicht zweimal Opfer werden, erst Opfer des Verbrechens und dann noch des Systems.
Victims must not be victims twice over, first of crime, and subsequently of the system.
Fonte: Europarl
In der Folge wurde er aus der Anwaltskammer ausgeschlossen und im April 2006 selbst verhaftet.
He was subsequently disbarred and was himself arrested in April 2006.
Seitdem jedoch haben sich beide Länder immer weiter voneinander entfremdet.
But the two countries subsequently grew increasingly estranged from one another.

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