Traduzione Inglese-Tedesco per "prosthetic"

"prosthetic" traduzione Tedesco

[-ˈθetik]adjective | Adjektiv adj

Panoramica di tutte le traduzion

(Fai clic sulla/Tocca traduzione per maggiori dettagli)

  • prothetisch, Prothesen…
    prosthetic medicine | MedizinMED
    prosthetic medicine | MedizinMED
  • prosthetisch, vor-, angesetzt (Buchstabeor | oder od Silbe)
    prosthetic linguistics | SprachwissenschaftLING
    prosthetic linguistics | SprachwissenschaftLING
beauty, design, prosthetics, sports, technology
beauty, design, prosthetics, sports, technology
Fonte: TED
Daran haben wir also gearbeitet, und unsere Prothese tut folgendes.
So this is what we've been working on, and this is what our prosthetic does.
Fonte: TED
Es handelt sich um die Entwicklung einer Prothese zur Behandlung von Erblindung.
It's the development of a prosthetic device for treating blindness.
Fonte: TED
Sheila Nirenberg: Eine Augenprothese gegen Blindheit
Sheila Nirenberg: A prosthetic eye to treat blindness
Fonte: TED
http: //www. ted. com/ talks/ lang/ de/ sheila_nirenberg_a_prosthetic_eye_to_treat_blindness. html
http: // www. ted. com/ talks/ sheila_ nirenberg_ a_ prosthetic_ eye_ to_ treat_ blindness. html
Fonte: TED
design, health, health care, medicine, prosthetics, technology, war
design, health, health care, medicine, prosthetics, technology, war
Fonte: TED

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