Traduzione Inglese-Tedesco per "petrified"

"petrified" traduzione Tedesco

[ˈpetrifaid]adjective | Adjektiv adj

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  • I was petrified
    ich hatte eine Wahnsinnsangst
    I was petrified
to be petrified with horror
vor Schreck starror | oder od wie gelähmt sein
to be petrified with horror
Sein gealtertes Gesicht, das den Ausdruck tiefen Leides trug, sah wie versteinert aus.
His face, which was aged and full of suffering, seemed petrified.
Fonte: Books
Dort leben Frauen in einem versteinerten System.
Saudi women find themselves living in a petrified system.
Die arme Verkäuferin war völlig erstarrt.
The poor saleswoman was petrified.
Fonte: GlobalVoices
Die Kanzleien sind vom Starrkrampf befallen, wenn es um Beziehungen zu Taiwan geht.
Chancelleries are petrified by any relationship with Taiwan.
Fonte: Europarl
Ich bin hier nicht versteinert.
I have not been petrified.
Fonte: Books

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