Traduzione Inglese-Tedesco per "peculiarly"

"peculiarly" traduzione Tedesco

In allem, was er sagte, dachte und tat, sah sie etwas besonders Edles und Erhabenes.
In all he said, thought, or did, she saw something peculiarly noble and exalted.
Fonte: Books
Der Geruch der Brillantine in seinem Schnurrbart war ihm in dieser frischen Luft besonders angenehm.
The scent of brilliantine given off by his moustache seemed peculiarly pleasant in the fresh air.
Fonte: Books
Max Weber dachte, dies sei eigentümlich für Protestanten.
Max Weber thought that was peculiarly Protestant.
Fonte: TED
Das Gericht hat eine eigentümliche Anziehungskraft, nicht?
There's something peculiarly attractive about the law, isn't there?
Fonte: Books

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