Traduzione Inglese-Tedesco per "obediently"

"obediently" traduzione Tedesco

[əˈbiːdiəntli]adverb | Adverb adv

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Er stand auf und folgte ihr gehorsam in das Unterrichtszimmer der Kinder.
He rose and obediently followed her into the schoolroom.
Fonte: Books
Anna blickte erschrocken um sich, erhob sich gehorsam und legte ihre Hand in den Arm ihres Mannes.
Anna looked round with alarm, rose obediently and put her hand on her husband's arm.
Fonte: Books
Soweit mir bekannt ist, war es bisher üblich, gehorsam diese Listen anzufertigen.
I understand that it has been the normal tradition to obediently produce these lists.
Fonte: Europarl
Der Dicke erhob sich gehorsam, und sie schritten zur Tür hin.
The plump officer got up obediently and they made their way toward the door.
Fonte: Books

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