Traduzione Inglese-Tedesco per "liberated"

"liberated" traduzione Tedesco

adjective | Adjektiv adj

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Ich denke also im Sinne von der Befreiung der Mathematik vom Rechenprozess.
So I think in terms of the fact that math has been liberated from calculating.
Fonte: TED
Das ist die Größenordnung, in der Technologie befreit und zugänglich gemacht hat.
That is the scale at which technology has liberated and made it accessible.
Fonte: TED
Ohne die US-Armee wäre Westeuropa 1945 nicht befreit worden.
Without the US Army, Western Europe would not have been liberated in 1945.
Die Radikalität des Umbruchs führte daher letztlich zur Freisetzung der Lebensfreude.
Thus, the radicalism of the upheaval eventually liberated the pleasure to live.
Aber wie mein Onkel meint: vielleicht war es der Süden, der eigentlich den Norden befreite.
But as my uncle suggests, perhaps it was the South that ultimately liberated the North.

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