Traduzione Inglese-Tedesco per "host"

"host" traduzione Tedesco

[houst]noun | Substantiv s

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  • (Un)Mengefeminine | Femininum f
    host crowd, mass
    Massefeminine | Femininum f
    host crowd, mass
    Schwarmmasculine | Maskulinum m
    host crowd, mass
    host crowd, mass
  • a host of questions
    eine Menge Fragen
    a host of questions
  • to be a host in oneself
    eine ganze Schar ersetzen
    to be a host in oneself
  • (Kriegs)Heerneuter | Neutrum n
    host army obsolete | obsolet, begrifflich veraltetobsor | oder od poetic, poetically | poetisch, dichterischpoet
    host army obsolete | obsolet, begrifflich veraltetobsor | oder od poetic, poetically | poetisch, dichterischpoet
  • the host of heaven celestial bodies
    the host of heaven celestial bodies
  • the host of heaven army of angels
    die himmlischen Heerscharen
    the host of heaven army of angels
  • the Lord of hosts bible, biblical bible, biblical | Bibel, biblisch Bibel, biblischBIBEL
    der Herr der Heerscharen
    the Lord of hosts bible, biblical bible, biblical | Bibel, biblisch Bibel, biblischBIBEL
Die Gastregierung des Brisbane-Gipfels gibt dafür jährlich etwa drei Milliarden Dollar aus.
The host government for the Brisbane summit spends some$ 3 billion annually.
Häufig jedoch ist der Grund, dass das Gastgeberland den betreffenden Vertrag als unfair ansieht.
But often the reason is that the host country considers a contract to be unfair.
Nach Bahrain kommen jedes Jahr circa zwei Millionen Touristen.
Bahrain hosts 2 million tourists every year.
Fonte: GlobalVoices
[houst]noun | Substantiv s

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  • Gastgeber(in), Hausherr(in)
    host person who invites guests into house
    host person who invites guests into house
  • Moderator(in)
    host on TV or radio programme
    host on TV or radio programme
  • Herbergsvatermasculine | Maskulinum m, -mutterfeminine | Femininum f
    host in hostelry or pub
    host in hostelry or pub
    host in hostelry or pub
  • Wirtmasculine | Maskulinum m
    host biology | BiologieBIOL host plant or animal
    Wirtspflanzefeminine | Femininum for | oder od -tierneuter | Neutrum n
    host biology | BiologieBIOL host plant or animal
    host biology | BiologieBIOL host plant or animal
  • Haupt-, Großrechnermasculine | Maskulinum m
    host computers | ComputerCOMPUT
    Hostmasculine | Maskulinum m
    host computers | ComputerCOMPUT
    host computers | ComputerCOMPUT
[houst]intransitive verb | intransitives Verb v/i

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Die Gastregierung des Brisbane-Gipfels gibt dafür jährlich etwa drei Milliarden Dollar aus.
The host government for the Brisbane summit spends some$ 3 billion annually.
Häufig jedoch ist der Grund, dass das Gastgeberland den betreffenden Vertrag als unfair ansieht.
But often the reason is that the host country considers a contract to be unfair.
Nach Bahrain kommen jedes Jahr circa zwei Millionen Touristen.
Bahrain hosts 2 million tourists every year.
Fonte: GlobalVoices
, often | oftoft Host [houst]noun | Substantiv s

Panoramica di tutte le traduzion

(Fai clic sulla/Tocca traduzione per maggiori dettagli)

  • Hostiefeminine | Femininum f
    host religion | ReligionREL
    host religion | ReligionREL
mine host
(der) Herr Wirt
mine host
to officiate as host
to officiate as host
himmlische Heerscharenplural | Plural pl
heavenly host
Die Gastregierung des Brisbane-Gipfels gibt dafür jährlich etwa drei Milliarden Dollar aus.
The host government for the Brisbane summit spends some$ 3 billion annually.
Häufig jedoch ist der Grund, dass das Gastgeberland den betreffenden Vertrag als unfair ansieht.
But often the reason is that the host country considers a contract to be unfair.
Nach Bahrain kommen jedes Jahr circa zwei Millionen Touristen.
Bahrain hosts 2 million tourists every year.
Fonte: GlobalVoices

"Host" traduzione Tedesco

[həʊst]noun | Substantiv s

Panoramica di tutte le traduzion

(Fai clic sulla/Tocca traduzione per maggiori dettagli)

  • Hostiefeminine | Femininum f
    Host ecclesiastical | Kirche, kirchlichKIRCHE
    Host ecclesiastical | Kirche, kirchlichKIRCHE
Gastgeber: Und er beschütze Sie. Danke schön.
Host: And bless yourself. Thank you very much.
Fonte: TED
Gastgeber: Danke sehr. Danke sehr.
Host: Thank you. Thank you.
Fonte: TED
Gastgeber: Das, liebe Leute, ist Claron McFadden,
Host: Folks, you've just met Claron McFadden.
Fonte: TED

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