Traduzione Inglese-Tedesco per "helium"

"helium" traduzione Tedesco

[ˈhiːliəm]noun | Substantiv s

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(Fai clic sulla/Tocca traduzione per maggiori dettagli)

  • Heliumneuter | Neutrum n
    helium chemistry | ChemieCHEM
    helium chemistry | ChemieCHEM
  • He Edelgas
    helium chemistry | ChemieCHEM
    helium chemistry | ChemieCHEM
Das Erste war, dass, wenn Heliumatome einander abstossen, wenn sie einander berühren.
The first one was that when helium atoms touch each other, they repel.
Fonte: TED
Leider befinden sich die Heliumatome in flüssigem Helium in unmittelbarer Nähe zueinander.
And unfortunately, the helium atoms in liquid helium are right on top of each other.
Fonte: TED
Leider befinden sich die Heliumatome in flüssigem Helium in unmittelbarer Nähe zueinander.
And unfortunately, the helium atoms in liquid helium are right on top of each other.
Fonte: TED
Feynman entschied, als eine Art Amateur-Heliumphysiker, dass er versuchen würde, das zu lösen.
Feynman decided, as a sort of amateur helium physicist, that he would try to figure it out.
Fonte: TED
Die Heliumatome mussten weit auseinander sein.
The helium atoms had to be very far apart.
Fonte: TED
In den 50ern versuchte man heraus zu finden, wie suprafluides Helium funktionierte.
In the 1950s, people were trying to figure out how superfluid helium worked.
Fonte: TED

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