Traduzione Inglese-Tedesco per "gunshot"

"gunshot" traduzione Tedesco

noun | Substantiv s

Panoramica di tutte le traduzion

(Fai clic sulla/Tocca traduzione per maggiori dettagli)

  • (Kanonen-, Gewehr)Schussmasculine | Maskulinum m
    gunshot shot from gun
    gunshot shot from gun
  • Schusswundefeminine | Femininum f
    gunshot gunshot wound
    gunshot gunshot wound
  • Reich-, Schussweitefeminine | Femininum f
    gunshot range of gun
    gunshot range of gun
  • in (out of) gunshot
    in (außer) Schussweite
    in (out of) gunshot
An Toms Jacke befanden sich Schussrückstände.
There was gunshot residue on Tom's jacket.
Fonte: Tatoeba
Dieser Patient ist mit einer Schussverletzung eingeliefert worden.
This patient was brought in with a gunshot wound.
Fonte: Tatoeba
Das hier sieht wie eine Schussverletzung aus.
This looks like a gunshot wound.
Fonte: Tatoeba
Tom hörte Schüsse und sah aus dem Fenster, was los war.
Tom heard gunshots and looked out the window to see what was happening.
Fonte: Tatoeba
Tom erholt sich gerade im Krankenhaus von einer Schussverletzung.
Tom is now in the hospital recovering from a gunshot wound.
Fonte: Tatoeba
Tom starb an einer selbst zugefügten Schussverletzung am Kopf.
Tom died from a self-inflicted gunshot wound to the head.
Fonte: Tatoeba
Drei der Leichen wiesen Schussverletzungen auf.
Three of the bodies had gunshot wounds.
Fonte: Tatoeba

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