Traduzione Inglese-Tedesco per "famously"

"famously" traduzione Tedesco

Und es wurde bekannt durch den Einsatz in Haiti in Folge des Erdbebens.
And it's been used most famously in Haiti in the aftermath of the earthquake.
Fonte: TED
Sie kamen famos miteinander aus- bis zum Ende des Mahls, und dann gerieten sie in furiosen Streit.
They got along famously until the very end of the meal, and then they got into a furious argument.
Fonte: TED
Zu 1968 gab es viel zu viele Theorien.
Nineteen sixty-eight was famously over-theorized.
Die Russen sind bekannt für ihre Geduld und ihr mangelndes Rebellentum.
Russians are famously patient and slow to rebel.
In seiner berühmten Replik meinte Keynes, dass wir langfristig alle tot wären.
Keynes famously retorted that in the long run we are all dead.
The equilibrium exchange rate, she famously argued, is a chimera.
The equilibrium exchange rate, she famously argued, is a chimera.

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