Traduzione Inglese-Tedesco per "daycare"

"daycare" traduzione Tedesco

my dog goes to doggie daycare
mein Hund geht in die Hundetagesstätte
my dog goes to doggie daycare
my dog goes to dog daycare
mein Hund geht in die Hundetagesstätte
my dog goes to dog daycare
Und ab diesem Moment änderte sich das Verhalten in diesen Tagesstätten.
And the minute they did that, the behavior in those daycare centers changed.
Fonte: TED
Die Strafe hat die Kultur in der Tagesstätte zerstört.
The fine broke the culture of the daycare center.
Fonte: TED
Sie teilten die Tagesstätten daher in zwei Gruppen.
So they divided the daycare centers into two groups.
Fonte: TED
Und sie untersuchten diese Tagesstätten zum Zeitpunkt der größten Anspannung, nämlich zur Abholzeit.
They studied those daycare centers at the time of highest tension, which is pick-up time.
Fonte: TED
Also untersuchten sie 10 Kindertagesstätten in Haifa, Israel.
And so they went and studied 10 daycare centers in Haifa, Israel.
Fonte: TED

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