[ˈk(ɒ)rileit; -rə-] American English | amerikanisches EnglischUS [ˈkɔːr-]transitive verb | transitives Verb v/tPanoramica di tutte le traduzion
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- in Wechselbeziehung -wirkung bringen (with mit)correlate cause to affect one anotheraufeinander beziehencorrelate cause to affect one anothercorrelate cause to affect one another
- in Übereinstimmung bringen (with mit)correlate cause to correspondaufeinander abstimmencorrelate cause to correspondcorrelate cause to correspond
[ˈk(ɒ)rileit; -rə-] American English | amerikanisches EnglischUS [ˈkɔːr-]intransitive verb | intransitives Verb v/iPanoramica di tutte le traduzion
(Fai clic sulla/Tocca traduzione per maggiori dettagli)
- in Wechselbeziehung -wirkung stehen (with mit)correlate affect one anothersich aufeinander beziehencorrelate affect one anothercorrelate affect one another
- (with) correspondübereinstimmen (mit), entsprechen (dative (case) | Dativdat)
[ˈk(ɒ)rileit; -rə-] American English | amerikanisches EnglischUS [ˈkɔːr-]adjective | Adjektiv adjPanoramica di tutte le traduzion
(Fai clic sulla/Tocca traduzione per maggiori dettagli)
- aufeinander bezüglich, korrelat, korrelativcorrelate affecting one anothercorrelate affecting one another
- (einander) entsprechend, übereinstimmendcorrelate correspondingcorrelate corresponding
- to be correlate (to)entsprechen (dative (case) | Dativdat)
[ˈk(ɒ)rileit; -rə-] American English | amerikanisches EnglischUS [ˈkɔːr-]noun | Substantiv sPanoramica di tutte le traduzion
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