Traduzione Inglese-Tedesco per "ben"

"ben" traduzione Tedesco

[ben]adjective | Adjektiv adj Scottish English | schottisches Englischschottor | oder od dialect(al) | Dialekt, dialektaldial

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(Fai clic sulla/Tocca traduzione per maggiori dettagli)

  • herein, hinein
    ben into the interior
    ben into the interior
  • come ben
    komm herein (ins Wohnzimmer)
    come ben
[ben]preposition | Präposition, Verhältniswort präp Scottish English | schottisches Englischschottor | oder od dialect(al) | Dialekt, dialektaldial

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  • im Innen-or | oder od Wohnraum von (or | oderodgenitive (case) | Genitiv gen)
  • in den Wohnraum von (or | oderodgenitive (case) | Genitiv gen)
    ben into the living room of
    ben into the living room of
[ben]adjective | Adjektiv adj Scottish English | schottisches Englischschottor | oder od dialect(al) | Dialekt, dialektaldial

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(Fai clic sulla/Tocca traduzione per maggiori dettagli)

  • inner(er, e, es)
  • Wohnzimmer…
    ben of living room
    ben of living room
[ben]noun | Substantiv s Scottish English | schottisches Englischschottor | oder od dialect(al) | Dialekt, dialektaldial

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(Fai clic sulla/Tocca traduzione per maggiori dettagli)

  • Innen-, Wohnraummasculine | Maskulinum m
    ben inner room
    ben inner room
http: //www. ted. com/ talks/ lang/ de/ ben_cameron_tedxyyc. html
http: // www. ted. com/ talks/ ben_ cameron_ tedxyyc. html
Fonte: TED
http: //www. ted. com/ talks/ lang/ de/ ben_saunders_skis_to_the_north_pole. html
http: // www. ted. com/ talks/ ben_ saunders_ skis_ to_ the_ north_ pole. html
Fonte: TED
http: //www. ted. com/ talks/ lang/ de/ ben_kacyra_ancient_wonders_captured_in_3d. html
http: // www. ted. com/ talks/ ben_ kacyra_ ancient_ wonders_ captured_ in_ 3d. html
Fonte: TED
[ben]noun | Substantiv s Scottish English | schottisches Englischschott

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(Fai clic sulla/Tocca traduzione per maggiori dettagli)

  • Berggipfelmasculine | Maskulinum m
    ben mountain peak
    ben mountain peak
  • Ben Nevis, Ben Lomond
    Namen von schott. Bergen
    Ben Nevis, Ben Lomond
http: //www. ted. com/ talks/ lang/ de/ ben_cameron_tedxyyc. html
http: // www. ted. com/ talks/ ben_ cameron_ tedxyyc. html
Fonte: TED
http: //www. ted. com/ talks/ lang/ de/ ben_saunders_skis_to_the_north_pole. html
http: // www. ted. com/ talks/ ben_ saunders_ skis_ to_ the_ north_ pole. html
Fonte: TED
http: //www. ted. com/ talks/ lang/ de/ ben_kacyra_ancient_wonders_captured_in_3d. html
http: // www. ted. com/ talks/ ben_ kacyra_ ancient_ wonders_ captured_ in_ 3d. html
Fonte: TED
[ben]noun | Substantiv s

Panoramica di tutte le traduzion

(Fai clic sulla/Tocca traduzione per maggiori dettagli)

  • Behennussbaummasculine | Maskulinum m
    ben botany | BotanikBOT Moringa pterygosperma
    Ölmoringiefeminine | Femininum f
    ben botany | BotanikBOT Moringa pterygosperma
    ben botany | BotanikBOT Moringa pterygosperma
  • Behennussfeminine | Femininum f
    ben botany | BotanikBOT nut
    ben botany | BotanikBOT nut
http: //www. ted. com/ talks/ lang/ de/ ben_cameron_tedxyyc. html
http: // www. ted. com/ talks/ ben_ cameron_ tedxyyc. html
Fonte: TED
http: //www. ted. com/ talks/ lang/ de/ ben_saunders_skis_to_the_north_pole. html
http: // www. ted. com/ talks/ ben_ saunders_ skis_ to_ the_ north_ pole. html
Fonte: TED
http: //www. ted. com/ talks/ lang/ de/ ben_kacyra_ancient_wonders_captured_in_3d. html
http: // www. ted. com/ talks/ ben_ kacyra_ ancient_ wonders_ captured_ in_ 3d. html
Fonte: TED

"Ben" traduzione Tedesco

[ben] <short form | Kurzformkzf>

Panoramica di tutte le traduzion

(Fai clic sulla/Tocca traduzione per maggiori dettagli)

to callsomebody | jemand sb Ben
jemanden Ben nennen
to callsomebody | jemand sb Ben
have you heard about Ben?
hast du schon das Neueste über Ben gehört?
have you heard about Ben?
I prefer Ben to his sister
ich mag Ben lieber als seine Schwester
I prefer Ben to his sister

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