Traduzione Inglese-Tedesco per "bats"

"bats" traduzione Tedesco


Panoramica di tutte le traduzion

(Fai clic sulla/Tocca traduzione per maggiori dettagli)

  • bats → vedere „batty
    bats → vedere „batty
he has bats in his belfry
er hat einen Vogel
he has bats in his belfry
Die neuen Formen wurden zu Fledermäusen. Schleichkatzen.
New forms became bats. Civets.
Fonte: TED
Wie könnt ihr einen Glockenturm ohne Fledermäuse haben?
How can you have a belfry without bats?
Fonte: Tatoeba
Die Weißnasenkrankheit hat ganze Fledermauspopulationen ausgerottet.
White-nose syndrome has wiped out populations of bats.
Fonte: TED
Was wäre, hätten wir nicht selbst von uns aus einen Initiativbericht erarbeitet?
What would have happened if we had not produced an own-initiative report off our own bats?
Fonte: Europarl
Der Grund dafür ist, dass einige Länder auf eigene Faust weitere Maßnahmen getroffen hatten.
The reason is that a number of countries had taken further measures off their own bats.
Fonte: Europarl

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