Traduzione Inglese-Tedesco per "wearing"

"wearing" traduzione Tedesco

[ˈwɛ(ə)riŋ]adjective | Adjektiv adj

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  • Kleidungs…, zum Tragen bestimmt
    wearing for use as clothes
    wearing for use as clothes
  • abnützend, verschleißend
    wearing causing wearing
    wearing causing wearing
she was wearing trousers
sie hatte Hosenor | oder od eine Hose an
she was wearing trousers
you are wearing my patience
du stellst meine Geduld auf eine harte Probe
you are wearing my patience
to be wearing next to nothing
so gut wie nichts anhaben
to be wearing next to nothing
she was wearing her hair in a ponytail
sie trug einen Pferdeschwanz
she was wearing her hair in a ponytail
wearing school uniform is not obligatory
es besteht keine Pflicht, die Schuluniform zu tragen
wearing school uniform is not obligatory
Ich trug noch immer Trauerkleidung.
I was still wearing black.
Fonte: GlobalVoices
Herr Präsident, ich trage heute mein irisches Tuch.
Mr President, I am wearing my Irish scarf today.
Fonte: Europarl
Ein dritter, in Artillerieuniform, saß neben ihnen auf einem Koffer.
The third Volunteer, wearing an artillery uniform, sat beside them on a trunk.
Fonte: Books
Es ist stabil und strapazierfähig, wodurch es für viele Bereiche besonders geeignet ist.
It is strong and hard-wearing, which makes it suitable for use in a number of areas.
Fonte: Europarl
In den Hochburgen des Karnevals herrscht Kostümpflicht in jeder Altersgruppe.
Any age group can be found wearing fancy dress in the Carnival cities.
Fonte: GlobalVoices
Schließlich tragen Richterinnen und Lehrerinnen bei der Arbeit auch keinen Bikini.
After all, we don ’ t have judges and teachers wearing bikinis on the job, either.
Nach fünf Jahren weltweiter und großflächiger Skandale im Finanzsektor nimmt die Geduld ab.
After five years of global financial-sector scandals on a grand scale, patience is wearing thin.

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