Traduzione Inglese-Tedesco per "frightened"

"frightened" traduzione Tedesco

he was more surprised than frightened
he was more surprised than frightened
Die meisten werden erschöpft, viele von ihnen desorientiert, verängstigt oder mutlos sein.
Most will be exhausted, many disorientated, frightened or frail.
Fonte: Europarl
Manche hatten Angst, andere weinten vor Freude.
Some were frightened, others wept with joy.
Und Sie brauchen keine Angst zu haben.
And you need not be frightened.
Fonte: Europarl
Dieser Gedanke ängstigte ihn so, daß er nun gar nichts mehr verstand.
This thought frightened him so much that he no longer understood anything at all.
Fonte: Books
Am Mittwoch waren die Menschen verständlicherweise wütend und hatten Angst, und so ging es auch uns.
By Wednesday, people were angry and frightened, understandably, and so were we.
Fonte: Europarl
Die flexiblen Staaten der Region fürchten sich vor Krieg.
The region ’ s flexible states are frightened of war.

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