Traduzione Inglese-Tedesco per "folding"

"folding" traduzione Tedesco

[ˈfouldiŋ]noun | Substantiv s

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  • Faltenneuter | Neutrum n
    folding act of folding
    Zusammenlegenneuter | Neutrum n
    folding act of folding
    folding act of folding
  • Faltefeminine | Femininum f
    folding fold, crease
    folding fold, crease
  • Falzmasculine | Maskulinum m
    folding engineering | TechnikTECH crimping, flange, crease
    Bördelmasculine | Maskulinum m
    folding engineering | TechnikTECH crimping, flange, crease
    folding engineering | TechnikTECH crimping, flange, crease
  • Schichtenfaltungfeminine | Femininum f
    folding geology | GeologieGEOL of strata of rock
    folding geology | GeologieGEOL of strata of rock
[ˈfouldiŋ]adjective | Adjektiv adj

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(Fai clic sulla/Tocca traduzione per maggiori dettagli)

  • zusammenlegbar, -klappbar, Falt…, Klapp…, Flügel…
    folding chair, bedet cetera, and so on | etc., und so weiter etc
    folding chair, bedet cetera, and so on | etc., und so weiter etc
  • Falz…
    folding relating to process of mechanized folding
    folding relating to process of mechanized folding
folding table
folding table
rigid and folding cartons
Steif- und Faltkartons
rigid and folding cartons
also | aucha. folding rule
Zollstockmasculine | Maskulinum m
also | aucha. folding rule
http: //www. ted. com/ talks/ lang/ de/ paul_rothemund_details_dna_folding. html
http: // www. ted. com/ talks/ paul_ rothemund_ details_ dna_ folding. html
Fonte: TED
Und im Hintergrund ist das Falt-Muster.
And there in the background is the pattern for folding it.
Fonte: TED
Und ich werde eins von Robert Langs Modellen falten.
And I'm going to be folding one of Robert Lang's models.
Fonte: TED
Und das ist der automatische Faltmechanismus für die Tragflächen.
And that's the automated wing-folding mechanism.
Fonte: TED
Dies ist eine Origami-Figur: ein Blatt, keine Schnitte, nur Falten, hunderte Male Falten.
This is an origami figure-- one sheet, no cuts, folding only, hundreds of folds.
Fonte: TED
Tom setzte sich auf einen Klappstuhl.
Tom sat down on a folding chair.
Fonte: Tatoeba
Wir sitzen auf Klappstühlen. Er spricht über Sportsgeist.
We're sitting in folding chairs. He's talking about sportsmanship.
Fonte: TED
Wir können das Faltverhältnis nochmal ändern und erzeugen diese Form oder diese Form.
We can change the folding ratio again to produce this shape, or this shape.
Fonte: TED

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