Traduzione Inglese-Tedesco per "disagreeable"

"disagreeable" traduzione Tedesco

adjective | Adjektiv adj

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  • lästig
    disagreeable annoying
    disagreeable annoying
it is disagreeable at that
it is disagreeable at that
Nun, wenn es nur kein unangenehmer Mensch ist! dachte er.
'Oh, if only it is not some one disagreeable! ' he thought.
Fonte: Books
Und er war wirklich vor Ärger rot geworden und hatte irgendeine unfreundliche Antwort gegeben.
And he really had flushed with vexation and had said something disagreeable.
Fonte: Books
Dadurch entsteht eine außerordentlich unangenehme Situation.
That gives rise to a very disagreeable situation.
Fonte: Europarl
Ich stimme dem Abgeordneten auch darin zu, daß es sich um einen äußerst bedauerlichen Fall handelt.
I agree with the honourable Member that this has been a very unfortunate and disagreeable affair.
Fonte: Europarl
Es war ihr sogar ein unangenehmer Gedanke, daß in wenigen Augenblicken Anna zu ihr kommen werde.
Even the thought that Anna would come in a moment was disagreeable to her.
Fonte: Books
Für mein Land wäre die ganze Situation überaus bitter.
My own country would find the whole situation even more disagreeable.
Fonte: Europarl

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